I am a researcher and librarian at the Göttingen State and University Library, Germany.
I am also a PhD candidate within the e-Humanities junior research group “Computational Literary Genre Stylistics” (CLiGS) at the University of Würzburg. My thesis was submmited at the beginning of 2020.
Research interests
- Creation of corpora, specially in XML-TEI and ePUB
- Statistical methods applied to data sets from the Humanities
- Romance languages, specially their literary texts
- Qualitative annotation
- Metadata from libraries
- Literary genres
- Stylometry and authorship attribution
You can find a list of my papers and presentations here.
Projects and Data
Read more about the projects and data sets I have helped to develop.
Previous Activities: Consulting and technological solutions
In the past, I helped several research groups from the Humanities to implement digital methods for their specific interests. Some examples are:
- UNIR: Development of a Corpus of Spanish Theatre in TEI and its use for network research
- UAM: Development of the website of Philobiblion
- U. Alcalá: Development of Catálogo Medieval
- UNED: Maintenance of their research project website
- Kolia: Development of their website